
Stay Down Longer: Few things have revolutionized recreational diving in the past decade as much as the introduction of Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx).
Nitrox is nothing more than the air you are breathing right now with some additional oxygen added to reduce the concentration of nitrogen.

While the additional oxygen offers no benefit in and of itself (and can, in fact, pose additional risk at depth), breathing less nitrogen provides divers with several benefits. Among them:

- You enjoy longer no-decompression limits and shorter surface intervals — especially on repetitive dives.
- You reduce the risk of decompression sickness compared to making the same series of dives using air.
- Further benefits may include improved gas consumption, reduced fatigue and an overall feeling of well being.
- If you own a modern dive computer, odds are it is capable of tracking your exposure to both air and Nitrox. Isn’t it time you started taking advantage of your computer’s capabilities?
Topics Covered: Among the many things you will learn as part of this program:
- Enriched Air Nitrox: The advantages and drawbacks.
- Equipment for diving EANx.
- Using standard dive tables with Nitrox.
- Managing oxygen exposure.
- Analyzing EANx cylinders.
- EANx and diving emergencies.
Who Can Take This Course?

To take this course, you must:
- Be at least 12 years old.
- Be certified the NASE Open Water Diver level (or equivalent).
- Be able to answer No to all questions on the NASE Medical History form, or secure a physician’s approval for diving prior to the start of the course
What is Involved?

The NASE Nitrox Diver course consists of:
- Self Study: Using the convenient NASE eLearning program.
- Hands-On Training With a NASE Instructor: Here you will get first hand experience analyzing and labeling Nitrox cylinders, completing a fill-station log and programming a Nitox dive computer.
Open-water training dives are optional. Students generally have the opportunity to make such dives in conjunction with another NASE Specialty Diver course.
Get Started Now

Take the Next Step: Contact your local NASE Dive Center or NASE Professional. To find your closest NASE Dive Center, click here.