Plastic C-Cards: Yesterday's News

Consider the drawbacks of a traditional plastic certification card:
- To start, you generally have to wait for several weeks following certification before you finally get it. In the meantime, you have to get by with a cheesy paper “temporary” card you hope will last long enough.
- Once you get your plastic card, you have to hope you don’t damage or lose it.
- If your plastic card is any more than a few years old, the photo is most likely out of date.
- As divers, we’re supposed to be environmentally responsible — yet plastic cards represent almost as much of a waste of natural resources as paper textbooks.
Now NASE has eliminated the delays, risks and waste with its exclusive VirturalCcard®.
- No need to wait days, weeks or months. As soon as you are done with training, your NASE Instructor can issue your VirtualCcard with the click of a mouse of the tap of a finger. All you have to do is log into your NASE eLearning account and download your VirtualCcard to your favorite smartphone and mobile devices.
- Never worry about losing your card; it’s always instantly available.
- Want a more up-to-date photo? Just log into your eLearning account and upload a new one. It will be instantly reflected in your card.
- And don’t worry about being environmentally responsible. Your VirtualCcard requires only a few electrons — not precious trees or dead dinosaurs.
VirtualCcards are available for all NASE courses. We can still issue a plastic card if you want but, seriously, why embrace outdated, costly and wasteful technology?