Advanced Open Water

Be More, Do More: Imagine exploring a shipwreck nearly 30 m/100 ft below the surface or discovering how different the underwater world is at night. These are the kinds of things Advanced divers do.
Move beyond basic Open Water Diver certification. Start taking advanttage of the myriad opportunities available only to Advanced divers. The place to start is here.

The NASE Advanced Open Water Diver course lets you:
- Gain additional knowledge and skills beyond those covered in entry-level scuba training.
- Receive an introduction to several specialty diving activities.
- Qualify to plan and conduct dives, with a similarly qualified buddy, to depths of 30 m/100 ft, in conditions similar to or better than those in which the divers were trained.
- Gain additional dive experience under the guidance and supervision of an NASE Worldwide Instructor.
Who Can Take This Course?

- Be at least 12 years old.
- Be certified the NASE Open Water Diver level (or equivalent).
- Be able to answer No to all questions on the NASE Medical History form, or secure a physician’s approval for diving prior to the start of the course
Please Note: New divers often worry about whether they are “ready” for the Advanced course. They shouldn’t. The whole idea behind Advanced Open Water training is to better prepare new divers for the real world. In fact, if you have any concerns about your abilities as a diver, enrolling in the Advanced Open Water Diver course should be the very next thing you do after completing your beginning course. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.
What is Involved?

- Self Study: Using the convenient NASE eLearning program.
- Multiple Open-Water Training Dives: Covering topics ranging from natural and compass navigation to planning and making deeper dives.
In addition to a fundamental skills review and assessment, and the core navigation and deep dives, your instructor may provide you with the opportunity to sample one or more additional specialty diving activities, such as:
- Nitrox
- Night/low visibility
- Search and recovery
- Underwater imaging
- Wreck diving
- Underwater naturalist
- Drysuit diving
What Equipment Will You Need?

- Mask and fins
- Adequate exposure protection
- BC and regulator system
- One full cylinder per dive
- Dive computer or depth gauge and timer
- Underwater compass
- Dive knife or cutting tool
Depending on the dive site and planned activities, it may also be prudent to have items such as audible and visual surface signals. Your instructor may have further equipment requirements in addition to these, such as a primary and backup light for night and deep dives.
Get Started Now