Divemasters Lead the Way:The NASE Divemaster course helps provide the leadership skills required to assist in training and be responsible for certified divers. This rating is also the first level of professional membership within NASE Worldwide and helps meet prerequisites for other leadership courses.
NASE Divemasters can fulfill several roles, including:
- Teaching assistant.
- Dive supervisor.
- Underwater guide.
The knowledge, skills and attitude developed during Divemaster training serve as the foundation for higher levels of accomplishment.
Who Can Participate?

- Be at least 18 years old.
- Have obtained a doctor’s approval for diving within the preceding twelve months and be able to supply a physician-signed NASE Medical History form, or equivalent.
- Be certified the NASE Rescue Diver level (or equivalent).
- Be certified the NASE Master Diver level (or equivalent).
- Have a minimum of 1,000 accrued minutes Actual Bottom Time (ABT) or at least 60 logged dives.
Consult NASE Leadership Standards for a complete listing of requirements.
What is Involved?

- Self Study: Using the NASE Divemaster eLearning program.
- In-Water Training: Extensive watermanship and skills assessment, plus accruing at least 400 minutes of Actual Bottom time under instructor supervision.
- Internship: This includes observing and/or assisting with several NASE diver training courses, plus organizing and conducting dives for certified divers while under Instructor supervision.
Consult NASE Leadership Standards for a complete listing of requirements.
What Materials and Equipment Will You Need?

- Mask and fins
- Snorkel for freediving
- Adequate exposure protection
- BC and regulator system
- One full cylinder per dive
- Dive computer or depth gauge and timer
- Underwater compass
- Dive knife or cutting tool
Depending on the dive site and planned activities, it may also be prudent to have items such as audible and visual surface signals. Your instructor may have further equipment requirements in addition to these, such as a primary and backup light for night and deep dives.
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