Student Forms

All forms are provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Most forms are fully interactive PDFs that can be completed on screen, in Adobe Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Reader, digitally signed, saved and then emailed back to your instructor. Please consider the environment before printing out forms unnecessarily.
Liability Release and Assumption of Risk
This form must be completed, signed and turned in to your instructor prior to the start of the course. Your instructor’s name is to be filled in at the top of the form, along with the name of the dive center with whom he is affiliated (if any). Download now.
Liability Release for Minors Residing in Florida
This form is to be completed on behalf of any minor residing in the state of Florida. Use this form in lieu of the standard waiver/release form. Download now.
Parental Responsibility Form
This form is to be completed by the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of any minor taking part in NASE diver training. It is in addition to the standard waiver/release form. Complete a separate form for each child. This form may also be used for any activity in which minors are taking part, including dive charters, vacation travel and local diving events. Download now.
Medical History
You need to complete this form as part of the course enrollment process. Be honest. If you must answer Yes to any question, you will need to take this form, along with a copy of the Guidelines for Recreational Scuba Diver’s Physical Examination (see below) to your doctor and obtain his approval, on this form, to take part in diver training. Download now.
Guidelines for Physical Examination
If the Medical History form you completed indicates that you need a physician’s approval to take part in the class, download these guidelines and take them with you to the doctor, along with the completed Medical form above. Download now.
Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding
This form is to be completed and signed after all training is finished but before certification is issued. Download now.